Y otro regalo más de cumpleaños de Pjorge. Lo más curioso del libro es que realmente tiene forma de guía turística. Coges una guía de Lonely Planet y este libro y no hay mucha diferencia en cuanto a temas de maquetación. A ver si el contenido también esta a la altura.

De la contraportada
THE ROUGH GUIDE TO CLIMATE CHANGE gives the complete picture of the single biggest issue facing our planet. Cutting a swathe through scientific research and political debate, it lays out the facts and assesses the options – global and personal – for dealing with the threat of warming world.
The Symptoms How rising temperatures and sea levels, plus changes to extreme weather patterns, are already affecting life around the world.
The Science What we know and how we know it, plus the fascinating story of climate through the ages.
The Debates Sceptics, politicians, activists and lobby groups – how and why climate change became a political hot potato.
The Solutions How governmets, scientist and engineers plan to tackle the problem, plus in-depth information about what you can do to help.
Robert Henson works at the world-renowned National Center for Atmospheric Research in Colorado.