
por davidgp el 28/05/2007

Hillalum said nothing. For the first time, he knew night for what it was: the shadow of the earth itself, cast against the sky.

Tower of Babylon por Ted Chiang

Dividing a number by zero doesn’t produce an infinitely large number as an answer. The reason is that division is defined as the inverse of multiplication: if you divide by zero, and the multiply by zero, you should regain the number you started with. However, multiplying infinity by zero produces only zero, not any other number. There is nothing which can be multiplied by zero to produce a nonzer result; therefore, the result of a division by zero is literary «undefined.»

Division by Zero por Ted Chiang

Ambos relatos están recogidos en el libro recopilatorio: Stories of Your Life and Others por Ted Chiang.

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