#7 Light, Science & Magic. An Introduction to Photographic Lighting por Fil Hunter, Steven Biver y Paul Fuqua

por davidgp el 18/03/2009

Yo, que ya tenía con lo mío de aprender a fotografiar «decentemente» en exteriores con el sol como única fuente de iluminación, voy y no se me ocurre más que comprar un libro sobre como iluminar bien cosas.

El principal problema es que para hacer todo lo que ponen en el libro, hace falta tener bastante material de iluminación que ahora mismo no tengo. Esto resulta un problema también por otro motivo, me he leído el libro, pero todavía no he hecho ninguno de sus ejemplos, con lo cual tengo la sensación de que hasta que los practique, no conseguiré realmente aprovechar bien lo que he aprendido hasta que realice todos los ejemplos. En este caso, la teoría dista mucho de la práctica.

En resumen, un gran libro. Todos los detalles de por qué poniendo la luz en tal sitio y la cámara en otro consigues que ese objeto en concreto, con sus propiedades físicas concretas quede iluminado, destacando esto y aquello (por objetos también incluimos a personas).


No matter how smart your digital camare is, its lighting is hit-ormiss at best. That’s still a job for your eyes and brain. Lighting is worth the effort to learn well-there is no other skill taht can improve your photography so much, so quickly.

This is not your typical how-to book! This is a tried-and-true how to understand book. How to understand and predict the size of light, types of reflections, and the familiy of angles. Master these principles and you can shoot any portrait, any sufrace, anywhere!

With the third edition of Light-Science & Magic you will:

  • Master hooting metal, glass, and portraiture.
  • Learn how to make educated judgments about where to maintain detail (and losing it where the viewer will no notice).
  • Save time with the post-production fixes given to common lighting problems.

Styles of lighting continue to change, but the nature of light will always remain the same. Once you understand the basic physics of lighting your creative potential is endless!

Fil Hunter, Virginia, USA, has been a highly respected commercial photographer specializing in still life and special effects photography for advertising and editorial illustration in a career spanning over three decades. He has worked for such clients as US News & World Report, Time Life Books, and National Geographic. He has tought photography at the university level and has served as technical consultant on a number of photographic publications. Mr. Hunter won the Virginia Professional Photographer’s Grand Photographic Adward three times.

Steven Biver, Virginia, USA, has over twenty years of experience as a commercial photographer specializaing in still life, portraits, photomontage and digital manipulation. His client list includes DuPont, Johnson & Johnson, Mobil, Newsweek, Condé Nast, and IBM. He ahs been honered with awards from Communication Arts, Graphis, Addy, How Magazine, AR100, Print Magazine, and Adobe, who have also included his work on Photoshop «extras» disc to inspire other photographers.

Paul Fuqua, Virginia, USA, started his own audiovisual production company in 1970. Dedicated to teaching through visuals, Mr. Fuqua has written and produced educational and training material in a variety of fields, including law, science, and nature. Mr Faqua’s photography takes him all over the world.

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Mal va lo de los libros este año…
08/12/2009 a las 1:08 pm

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