Yo de Proust nunca he leído nada, que yo me acuerde. Tal vez este pequeño ensayo sobre su vida y obra me ayude a crearme un interés en este clásico autor. A lo mejor me hacen convertirme en un gafapasta. Proust era uno de los requisitos que se mencionaban en varias discusiones con una amiga y unos amigos el otro día.

De la contraportada
‘What a marvellous book this is… de Botton dissects what [Proust] had to say about friendship, reading, looking carefully, paying attention, takin your time, being alive and adds his own delicious commentary. The result is as intoxicating as it is wise, amusing as well as stimulating, and presented in so fresh a fashion as to be unique… I could not stop, and now must start all over again.’
Braina Masters, Mail on Sunday.‘De Botton not only has a complete understanding of Proust’s life… but what is particularly charmin about this small, readable book is its tongue-incheek benignity, its lightly held erudition and tis generous way of lending itself to what is not only the greatest book of the century but also the darkest and most eccentric.’
Edmun White. Observer.‘It contains more human interest and play of fancy than most fiction… de Botton, in emphasizing Proust’s healing, advisory aspects, does us the service of rereading him on our behalf, providing of that vas sacred lake a sewwt and lucid distillation.’
John Updike, New Yorker.‘De Botton’s little book is so charming, amusing and sensible taht it may even itself change your life.’
Allan Massie, Daily Telegraph.‘This engaging book is one of the most entertaining pieces of literary criticism I have read in a long while.’
Sunday Telegraph.‘A very enjoyable book.’
Sebastian Faulks.