Libros que me han prestado: How To Lie With Statistics por Darrell Huff

por davidgp el 08/04/2008

Image of How to Lie With StatisticsEl título de este libro ya lo dice todo, la verdad, es que no se puede comentar más de lo que trata. De todas formas, ya llevo unas cuantas páginas leídas, y más de enseñarte a mentir con estadísticas, te enseña más bien a ver como la gente hace las trampas con los datos numéricos, aunque tal vez sea una distinción prácticamente inexistente.

De la contraportada

‘Round numbers,’ pronounced Dr Johnson, ‘are always false.’

But not, of course, the precise and scientific calculations of trained statisticians with ther decimals and percentages. The computer, like the camera, cannot lie. Not without help anyhow.

Describing his book as ‘a sort of primer in ways to use statistics to decieve’, Darrell Huff goes of samples (random or stratified random), averages (mean, median or modal), errors (probable, standard or unintentional), graphs, indexes and other tools of democratic persuasion.

When it was first published to this now classic book was hailed as ‘a splendid piece of blasphemy against the preposterios religion of our time’. Today statistic continue to baffle us, and this trenchant book remains an invaluable guide through the maze of facts and figures taht is designed to make us believe anything.

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