Pedro me ha prestado regalado este libro de ciencia ficción que pensó que me podría llegar a interesar. A ver cuando lo leo, que este mes voy algo retrasado en mi plan de lecturas para este año.

De la contraportada
«THE TIME IS THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW, and the three adolescents-Diane and Janson Lawton, twins, and their best friend, Tyler Dupree-are out stargazing. Thus they witness the erection of a planet-spanning shield around the globe, blocking out the universe. Spin chronicles the next 30-odd years in the lives of the trio, during which 300 billion years will pass outside the shield, thanks to an engineered time discontinuity. Janson, a genius, will invest his celibate life in unraveling cosmological mysteries. Tyler will become a doctor and act as our narrator and Jason’s confidante, while nursing his unrequited love for Diane, who in turn plunges into religious fanaticism. Alogn the way human-descended Martians will appear, bringin a drug that can elevate humans to the Fourth State, ‘an adulthood beyond adulthood.’ But will even this miracle be enough to save Earth?… Here’s a book that features speculative conciets as brash and thrilling as those found in any space opera, along with insights into the human condition as richs as those contained within any mainstream mimetic fiction, with both its conciets and insights beautifully embedded in crystalline prose.» –The Washington Post.
«SPIN IS MANY THINGS: psychological novel, technological thriller, apocalyptic picaresque, cosmological meditation. But it is, foremost, the first major SF novel of 2005, another triumph for Rober Charles Wilson in a long string of triumphs.»-Locus.
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