La detective Thursday Next está de vuelta. Jasper Fforde retoma su mundo de detectives literarios que ya había comenzado a leer en el Caso Jane Eyre. Si esta novela es la mitad de buena que la primera, la cosa promete.

De la contraportada
‘Douglas Adams would be proud’
Thursday Next is back. This time, it’s personal.
For Thursday Next, literary detective without equal, life should be good. Riding high on a wave of celebrity following the safe return of the kidnapped Jane Eyre, Thursday ties the knot with the man she loves.
But marital bliss isn’t quite as it should be. It turns out her husband of one month actually drowned thirty-eight years ago, and one but Thursday has any memory of him at all.
Someone, somewhere is responsible.
Having barely cought her breath after The Eyre Affair, Thursday heads back into fiction in search of the truth, discovering thaht paper politicians, lost Shakespearean manuscripts, a flurry of near-fatal coincidences and impending Armageddon are all part of a greater plan.
But whose? And why?