Como funciona la mente

por davidgp el 20/05/2007

A través de Pedro descubro una serie de conferencias de lo más interesante. Son conferencias cortas -las que vi solamente duraban 20 minutos- que giran entorno a como nuestra mente funciona. Están en inglés eso sí: How de mind Works.

If you’re going to hold a conference about ideas, from time to time you need to step back and look at the mysterious engine that creates them: the human mind. What goes on in there anyway? How can our strange, gray, gooey brains create inspired inventions, the feeling of hunger, the experience of beauty, the sense of self? And how reliable are they? Might there be strange quirks in the ways our minds work, given that they were optimized for the needs of a savannah-roaming hunter-gatherer?


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