Me acaba de llegar mi primer regalo de cumpleaños, que es el 8 de Marzo, por si alguno más quiere regalarme algo 😉 (Amazon Wishlist), el regalo viene de parte de Nando & Co. Realmente pensé que era un autoregalo de cumpleaños que me había hecho a mi mismo -por qué me quiero mucho-, pero cuando abrí el paquete de Amazon me llevé la grata sorpresa de que era otra cosa. El libro iWoz

En un principio este sería un libro que me pasaría totalmente desapercibido, pero después de escuchar, hace ya algún tiempo, la charla de Steve Wozniak en la Gnomedex 4.0 a través de IT Conversations, el tipo me cayó simpático y sentí bastante curiosidad por su biografía.
Aquí tenéis el texto sobre el libro que aparece en una de las solapas, la verdad es que creo que exageran un poco, pero bueno, supongo que hay que vender libros…
Before cell phones that fit in the palm of your hand and slim laptops that fit snugly into briefcases, computers were like strange, alien vending machines. They had cryptic switches, punch cards, and pages on encoded output. But in 1975, young engineer Steve Wozniak had an idea: What if you combined computer circuitry with a regular typewriter and a video screen? The results was the first true personal computer, a widely affordable machine that anyone could figure out how to use.
Wozniak teamed up with another young friend, Steve Jobs, and Apple Computer was born. The Apple I and Apple II computers were the first to use a moderm paradigm -a keyboard to enter text and data and a video screen to view it. Apple and Wozniak, the inventor of the Apple I and II, ignited the computer revolution and have been transforming our world ever since.
Now, thirty years later, in iWoz, the mischievous genius with a low profile tells his story for the first time. Wozniak looks back at more, though, than his brilliant inventions. With his own typical, inimitable humor and style, he relates his countless pranks, his early days with Electronics Kids and the Homebrew Computer Club, his stint as a concert promoter with the US Festivals, his near-death experience in a flight crash, his philanthropic activities, the decade he spent teaching fifth graders, and what iit is like to be the Woz, a humanist invetor who considers engineering an art but never puts it before people and their needs.
From the invention of the first personal computer to the rise of Apple as an industry giant, Woz treats readers to a rollicking, no-holds-barred accounts of his life-for once, in the voice of the wizard himself.
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Bueno a ver si te inspira y montas un negocio parecido 😉
No te preocupes, si lo hago, te contrato por haberme dado la inspiración, pero yo de tí esperaría sentado 😉