Para entretenerme mientras voy en bus hasta la facultad, lo cual suele llevar unos 40 minutos, me he comprado la siguiente novela en una librería de Florencia: Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrel. Primera novela de la escritora Susanna Clarke. No esta mal para ser una primera novela, bestseller y ganadora del premio Hugo, ya os diré si en mi opinión se merece tanta fama.

De la contraportada:
Time Magazines’s #1 Book of the Year:
«Clarke welcomes herself into an exalted company of British writers – not only, some might argue, Dickens and Austen, but also the fantasy legends Kenneth Grahame and George MacDonald – as well as contemporary writers like Susan Cooper and Philip Pullman».
– New York Times Book Review
Susanna Clarke’s brilliant first novel is an utterly compelling epic tale of nineteenth-century England and the two very different magicians who, as teacher and pupil and then as rivals, emerge to change its history. An international bestseller sold in 21 languages, Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell is a tour de force that has captured the imagination of readers worldwide.
Book Sense Book of The Year
«A gorgeous back of unforgettable images». – People
«What kind of Magic can make 800-page novel seem too short? Whatever it is, debut author Susanna Clarke is possessed by it». – Usa Today
«Magnificent and original». – Washington Post
«The most sparkling literary debut of the year». –
Susanna Clarke lives in Cambridge, England. This is her first novel.
Para ser la primera novela de Sussana Clarke desde luego tenía bastante cosas que decir, 1000 páginas de nada, y en letra pequeña…